Endocrinology, Nutrition, Genomics
Righting the “four-legged stool” by optimizing sex hormones, adrenals, thyroid and digestive function:
- Comprehensive digestive analysis with microbiome evaluation
- Reproductive hormones, with cycle mapping in premenopausal women and physiologic hormone replacement therapy in all sexes
- Adrenal diurnal mapping, evaluation and treatment
- Complete thyroid hormone evaluation and treatment
Evaluations are with labs (serum, urine) and treatments are a combination of hormone therapy, botanical formulations, nutraceuticals, dietary and lifestyle modifications (food, sleep, exercise).
Nutritional evaluation
- Lab testing for deficiencies and repletion of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids with personalized dietary and nutrient prescriptions based on lab results
Evaluations are with functional and empirical labs (blood, cellular) and treatments are a combination of nutraceuticals and dietary modifications.
- Endocrine, metabolic, cardiovascular
- Pharmacogenomics
- Dietary genomics
Evaluations are with labs (oral swab) and treatments are a combination of hormone therapy, modification of prescription pharmaceuticals, botanical formulations, nutraceuticals, dietary and lifestyle modifications (food, sleep, exercise).
- Peer mentoring and training (in person or via eConsult)
- Public speaking (conferences, seminars) (in person or via webinars)
- Content writing (website, newsletters, professional journals, etc)