res·to·ra·tion /ˌrestəˈrāSH(ə)n/
the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition
Exceed the standard of care and thrive through restoration wellness and personalized medicine
You are not standard. You don’t want to just exist. You want to thrive. In order to thrive, you need all of your body symptoms to function at their best. Optimal endocrinology is critical for that goal. You need hormones as they were produced when you were at your peak age/fitness/fertility.
A membership at Verve Healthcare is designed for those individuals who want to restore their brain, body and overall health to its physiologic optimum. We generally start with digestive health or hormones. We then progress through the analyzing of (and treating, if necessary) the systems (cardiovascular, neurologic, structural, genetic) until you feel your best–everywhere.
While standardized medicine is an important part of our healthcare system, it does not always work for everyone. You may have multiple health issues that impact one another (hypothyroid + menopause, for example) and need to have both considered in-relation to one another. Add a third complexity such as heart disease or diabetes. Now the relationships between the conditions have quadrupled. Let’s also consider your personal genetic variations (trouble methylating or making glutathione) and it is easy to understand why you might need a healthcare consultant who integrates your medical information, makes patient-specific assessments and targeted treatment recommendations.
via an accessible telemedicine model
By enrolling as a patient at Verve Healthcare, you are embarking on a shared journey to improve (or maintain) your health. We inquire about your healthcare goals, so that we can regularly check-in to ensure we remain in alignment.
Call, email or inquire via the Contact page. You will be called or emailed with more information about how to begin.
Unless you are seeing a specialist, the western medical model (billing commercial health insurance) is sustainable only with short doctor visits for each individual concern. Some providers are cannot afford (in time nor cost) to be accessible by email). Dr. Provorse knows this, as she served as a Naturopathic primary care provider for 15 years prior to the 2020 COVID pandemic. Her specialities in endocrinology, nutrition and digestive health required additional expertise, attention and time that was not covered by commercial insurance. To better serve her patients, she turned to a different healthcare delivery model.
Verve Healthcare is a membership-based practice (which differs from a Concierge model). There is an annual fee which helps to cover behind-the-scenes (non-appointment) time spent reviewing your care, ordering labs, interpreting results, exploring new therapies, staying up-to-date on medical research and developing treatment plans–all while keeping the number of patients she sees limited. In this way, you have an innovative healthcare provider who is prepared, attentive and engaged for your longer, more thorough visits.
We realize that a membership is not financially accessible to everyone. Dr. Provorse offers a limited number of membership scholarships to bridge this gap for patients with hardship circumstances.
Naturopathic physicians (ND or NMD) are trained at four-year accredited naturopathic medical schools. They diagnose, prevent, and treat acute and chronic illness to restore and establish optimal health by supporting the person’s inherent self-healing process. Their Therapeutic Order™, identifies the natural order in which all therapies should be applied to provide the greatest benefit with the least potential for damage. For more information on this, see the American Association website. Naturopathy was created the early 20th century by American MDs who objected to using toxic substances to treat their patients. The terms Integrative and Functional Medicine were created by 21st century MDs who also wanted to practice outside the standard of care of western medicine by getting additional training in herbalism, nutrition and other therapies. Separate certification programs exist for these physicians. While training programs and licensing may be a little different, all of these providers essentially are working toward similar goals: to better support patients feel better with less reliance on pharmacology and fewer negative side effects.
Using advanced laboratory analysis and individualized insights, Dr. Provorse tailors a treatment plan that can drive better outcomes.
As patents, you will consult with Dr.Provorse to support you at levels that go BEYOND primary care.